Lucid Brew

Full Spectrum Rock and Roll

From Adelaide

Lucid Brew Lucid Brew are an exciting new indie rock trio from Adelaide. Guitar, Bass and Percussion with Lucid dreams and desires Brewed in The Full Spectrum of Rock and Roll. They are influenced by a whole gamut of music from the 60s-2000s. Yet through their original approach, hook-laiden song writing & determination to reach new musical ground, they manage to be non-derivative by pursuing their own chapter in rock. The members originated from a variety of independent local bands, eventually culminating in Lucid Brew; vocalist/lead guitarist/writer-producer James Blencowe (Jimmi), bassist, vocals and co-producer Reece Hicks, and drummer/percussionist & co-producer Tim Angove (Timbo Tyrant). Their vibrant, energetic yet understated approaches combine to form an elusive fifth element. Taste the Brew.